29 Aug2024

Featured Student: Hurjhon's Testimony
Co-creating our client’s future has been our main goal here at Oz Pacific Group. We are committed to providing accurate information and genuine advice so our clients can tap into the possible opportunities in Australia. In every visa grant that we received, we are as genuinely happy as our clients. The same goes when they happily live their dream down under and continuously thrive in their chosen fields.
For almost one and a half year now, Sydney has been his home. He is Hurjhon Fabia, a successful international student and a proud product of our team. He is a Registered Electrical Engineer by profession in the Philippines who answered the call of his Australian dream.
As cliché as it may sound, Hurjhon’s life in Australia is full of ups and downs. He shared that when he touched down in Australia, he had to get out of his comfort zone. Wandering in the new city only equipped with his dream, he was overwhelmed. He admitted that there’s a time that he wondered if it was his time to go home or to stay and strive harder for his dream.
But then, his dreams weigh greater than anything else. He looked back at the sacrifices he had to make and the risks he had to take before being at where he is now. Therefore, he continuously strives in his studies and in his part time job. He took this a significant sign to stay and continue to live his Australian dream. In this journey, he realized that we just have to surrender everything, and He will pave the way for us.
With sheer determination, Hurjhon is continuously fighting for his dream of getting a chance at permanent residency, or whatever the future may hold for him. For his advice to aspiring international students, “always grab the chance if you are given one and work on it.”
Thank you, Hurjohn, for sharing your inspiring story with us. Every step you take in this chapter is a testament to your resilience and ambition. Here’s to embracing every moment and striving for greatness!
If he can do it, you can do it too! Connect with us and let’s start working on your dream of studying and migrating to Australia.