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15 June 2024

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Navigating International Student Life in Australia:
A Guide for Parents and Students

A growing trend in the Philippines is the marked increase in the number of students opting to go overseas for further education. Whether to boost their current professional portfolios or to seek new career paths, many Filipinos, both students and professionals, are making that leap of faith to pursue international studies. Among its many benefits are the chance to see the world; acquiring an enhanced education; honing your language skills; getting better career opportunities; discovering new interests; meeting and making new friends thereby expanding your network of connections; boosting one’s personal development, and a golden opportunity for unique life adventures.

As a people known for their close family ties and extended family relations, Filipinos, parents in particular, are torn when it comes to their children travelling. More so when it comes to living and studying abroad, on their own for the first time.

For those of you who are thinking of going to Australia for further studies, we got you covered. Join us in a special webinar on “Navigating International Student Life in Australia: A Guide for Parents and Students.”

 It is everything you’ve ever wanted and more because it is specifically - designed to help new international students with any question they have about life in Australia and help prepare them for a stay that will be life-changing, engaging and fun.

Let us give you a sneak peek into what it is to be an international student in the Land Down Under, with vital information on the vast choice of courses and campuses, crucial guide in finding the right accommodation and valuable tips on living and essential needs. We are confident that it will open your eyes to the many wonderful possibilities of international education and allay the sometimes-unfounded fears of most parents. Join us and we’ll help you make that important first step as you embark on a new chapter in your lives.


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Level 2, Suite 45,

181 Church Street
Parramatta NSW 2150

2nd Floor,

Bigben Complex,
Lipa CIty, Batangas 4217

3rd Floor, 87A Ham Nghi Nguyen Thai Binh Ward DIstrict 1, Ho Chi Minh City

3rd Floor, Techno Hub
Pacific Mall

Lucena City, Quezon 4301

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